It's almost the end of February, and I'm almost finished the Rich Quarter. I've been busy the past couple of days, so haven't had that much time to spare, but things are still moving along well. I've not really that much to say aside from to post the following screenshots to follow the evolution of an area...
The first is the area after a second pass of texturing and an initial bit of colouring. The colouring that has been done has mostly just been adding a bit of brown to the landscape, either for wear and tear, or to exaggerate the dirty look of the ground.
The second is post-decoration and a second round of colouring. This is adding in trees, extra placeables and general decoration in terms of rocks, dirt, grass, etc. Even so, there's still a few more things that have been added since this shot. Some minor terrain, texture & colouring tweaking was still done even at this late stage.
Lastly, here's a shot of the level from the ground... looking boldly where no adventurer can actually go. I'll probably post a few more of the actual walkable area over the next few days.
Episode 92: Watching The Numbers!
Another year begins and I am still working on my second module. I cannot
believe how fast time appears to pass as I endeavour to reach the end of
2 weeks ago
It's looking good Amstrad!
Amstrad this looks awesome
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