Today is something a bit different, as I've taken a small amount of time off today and yesterday to produce a small prefab area. I've submitted it to the vault, and it can be downloaded here.
I've got a small gallery here of screenshots of the prefab, which is a 4x4 exterior called "Canyon Grove". I had the idea for it two days ago, and after sketching out a rough pencil drawing of its appearance decided that I would have to take a small break from 'Fate of a City' to produce it. (That said, I've still managed a couple of small encounters in-between small breaks on this prefab.)
I hope you like the look of it, and please, download it and take a look at it in full. I'd love to hear any comments or critique you might have about any aspect. I know that I've picked up quite a few tricks since producing my last prefab area, but I'm always open to suggestions on ways to improve.
Episode 92: Watching The Numbers!
Another year begins and I am still working on my second module. I cannot
believe how fast time appears to pass as I endeavour to reach the end of
2 weeks ago
I enjoyed the screenshots. :)
I always panic about how to improve my own when I see something like this though. I guess I need more practice.
I wil try to give it a proper look when you upload it.
nice looking area that should find lots of use - easy to fit into most campaigns. consider it 'yoinked' ;)
Thank you! I've actually made a few improvements in response to feedback on the vault that make a bit more usable and more aesthetically pleasing. (I forgot to triple check everything before posting, so I forgot to uncheck "static" on a couple of placeables - whoops!) So if you grabbed the initial version, I'd suggest re-downloading.
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