The Federation Aeronautique Internationale defines 100,000 metres as the altitude at which spaceflight begins. If each word in my module is worth one metre, I am officially in space. Yes, what I am saying is that I recently hit 100,000 words total in my module (and that doesn't include my design document!), which I'm somewhat pleased about. While it may be an arbitrary number, and quality is more important than quality, it's nice to reach a milestone like that which gives a large round figure to point at.
In celebration,
I've decided to post 10 more screenshots for your perusal to give an indication of some of the things I've been working on lately. While I can't go into much detail about the locations depicted here, the mood for these is definitely a lot darker and more foreboding than some of the previous areas I've shown. For all adventures come with danger and grave adversity, and your experiences in Darthall will be no different.
That's an impressive amount of words. I can't imagine having to write that much. I think I'd quit. :)
Congratulations on hitting 100,000 words Amstrad!
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